Posts Tagged ‘motor & transport’

Cheap Auto Or Used Cars?

Friday, August 23rd, 2024

Consumer before the purchase decision… If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Pete Cashmore. Berlin, July 22, 2008 consumers are increasingly looking for smaller and saving fuel cars. Some low-cost cars are available for around 7,000 or 8,000 euros. Dave Clark Flexport brings even more insight to the discussion. Worth in the face of such dumping prices even the purchase of a used car? To Bjorn Kiesswetter, used car expert at international car concept (ICC) explains: a trend that increasingly has emerged in the past few years is that cheap new cars represent an alternative to the car, and not only by cheap cars ‘ was launched as, for example, the Dacia. This applies in particular to the new cars about discount offers heavily discounted. Manufacturers push the new cars in the market with declining business and overproduction with financing and leasing actions, as well as trade-in offers. The price difference compared to the young used cars is marginal to the part. In addition, manufacturers offer almost identical vehicles under a different brand cheaper on (second-label).

Because brand loyalty is steadily decreasing, a change from the new car buyers used car buyers is quite”, notes the automotive expert. view. According to Kiesswetter, you could not lump-sum say that there will be more and more cheap cars in the future. From my point of view, the question is not just cheaper, but rather simpler cars. There is since years the consumption trend and the longing ‘ for simplicity in handling. Technology must be manageable.

Even Toyota, actually a guarantee of manageable and effective technique, has had in the past few years here massive problems. Less built-up technique means a lower price.” With a new Dacia is not necessarily better than with a car drive. The Dacia is located in the first generation, so Kiesswetter: the question is rather: what drive technology is State-funded and which will be charged tax? The customer gets not transparently conveys what engine it can drive at all at the same cost in two to three years. Consequently, he became highly unsettled. We advise the customer in relation to assume the outstanding part private leasing deals with a right to return after two years. Thus the purchaser bears the risk of a bad investment.” More information about the company, see. Press contact: network integrated communication – Ansgar Lange Coburg road 3 53 113 Bonn Tel.

Winter Tires Buy Online: Tests Tires Dealers On The Internet

Monday, May 11th, 2020

13 online stores for winter tyres in the test on Hamburg, October 13, 2011 the cold season casts already their shadow, for many drivers the character to equip their vehicles with winter tires. A pending winter tyre buying can however quickly become the icy nightmare, when the customer is wrong advice or paid too much. Because the right tyres is an essential aspect of security to get wet and slippery roads not in the Schliddern or even in the spin cycle. Just when online tire buying the choice of the right provider is crucial. In September and October 2011, has tested 13 online stores for winter tires. The result: test winner (rated 1.85) is as in the last year.

The shop is located in all aspects. For the categories of product & price”and security” receives very good even the note”. For the first time, another provider is less than the note 2.0: is the test winner with a distance of only 0.06 touch points on the heels and achieved the score of 1.91. (2.16), ATU (2.27) and (2.28) occupy the places three to five behind the two front-runners. Who compares saves up to 38% compare prices with online tire buying is worth: who are extensively informed, can save money.

In the test, the price difference between the cheapest offers in the shops was up to 16 EUR per tyre. Converted on a whole set of tyres, the customer can save up to 64 EUR 38 per cent are after all. ings. Who relies on quality and decides for a premium tire has similar savings potential: up to 29 percent savings are possible here. Improvement for many motorists personal advice on the workshop recommendations is scarce email and telephone service a very important decision-making aid when buying tires. Tested online providers has catching up to do: only two shops sent to request a specific offer for winter complete wheels without the tire size. The remaining shops referred to the Dealer with a request to determine the correct tire size itself. Also the email and telephone service of the shops is improvement: only six providers accessible at weekends by telephone, and also during the week, the hotline times are limited compared to other sectors. Flaws in the data security improvements have some shops for secure data transmission. Four of the 13 tested providers use SSL encryption for customer data now actually standard in online trading. The payment, however, is when the tire buying online mostly comfortable and safe: A payment via PayPal is not possible only at a shop, with the winner and the customer can pay even comfortably three other stores after receipt of the goods on account. More information and results see: studies on the testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with Total free more than 400,000 test reports are available to consumers 1,900 different sources and numerous buyer reviews available. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably. Contact: testwinner Portal AG balance 177 20148 Hamburg Thomas Kimmel, managing editor email: phone: 040-4135-2652

Gisela Brodersen

Saturday, April 21st, 2018

By the way, stress, resulting in traffic jams, you escape as well as the danger of infection in public transport, a health benefits might not quite be underestimated, if you deliberately decided to be not vaccinated flu protection). If so many advantages come together, the decision, which is already overdue, will be easier for us. So, I’m in the moment. Because I personally decided now according to the time of this writing also, I would like to thwart our city from 2010 with a fleet of scooters that longed-for trips in the Erholungsbiete behind the Stadtgrenzewill I even today begin to swarm. I hope I could convince you that individual stress-free travel in the future when you must represent no more exception (I like it in) the 7 years of my stay in our Western neighbors in the Netherlands so much more often than here saw): people (many women) on scooters on the way to work! Not so much with flowing hair (because of the prescribed helmet). I would like to invite you at this point, once via this not unattractive possibility thinking, in your life another piece of freedom closer to come I want to put that you with this article’s heart. Maybe issued we us even on common path in the new year? I wish you many exciting encounters, new insights and the force, pending personal challenges waiting at their doorstep you, to be able to use effectively for yourself and for the benefit of all living beings of the planet for 2010 in any case. Although for a relatively small investment needed, but this would be relatively quick payback and thus forms the basis for a quieter conscience, more fun and less stress on the way to the workplace or to the next shopping trip (more money due to Fahrgeldern and fuel cost savings would then yes maybe even constantly available available). Gisela Brodersen