Archive for January, 2017

Director Documents

Friday, January 20th, 2017

The three ringleaders already remain in prison. They used a language school as cover to the forgeries. Additional information is available at Steve Wozniak. They are still on the trail of new locations of fraudulent documentation. The national police stopped in Madrid to twenty people for an offence of false documents, and has broken up this way an organization that charged foreigners 800 euros for each certificate fake Studio. The fake certificates served to get your green card renewal claiming their status as students.

Last week police arrested a total of 20 people, and three of them, considered ringleaders, have already entered prison, as reported today the senior police chief in a statement. Those arrested wore an Academy of languages of the Center district to make forgeries until the Director of the Center realized and reported to the police. One of those detained was a former worker of the Academy of Spanish-Swiss origin, as reported by a spokesman of the Counterfeit certified senior police Madrid.Los headquarters were being submitted to the relevant government agencies to obtain residence permits by studies. After the complaint, the officers located and arrested two Chinese citizens for an offence of false documents. From there, managed to identify the rest of the members of the Organization, discover how they operated and locate the place where the forgeries were. Those arrested are a citizen of Spanish nationality and others of Chinese origin.

Five of the detainees were responsible for falsifying certificates, performing one of them as an intermediary with people interested in adjustments. The ringleaders captured its customers through the Boca. In the majority of cases the information came from an agency that Chinese citizens flocked to learn about the requirements to achieve the renewal of the card’s resident in Spain. In three searches that were conducted, the agents They seized numerous material, among which stand out two computer equipment, a digital printer of photography, mobile phones, false documents, stamps and tampons and money in asset’scarryingamount. Police is continuing efforts to try to locate more people that have achieved the renewal of your card through this fraudulent system. Source of the news: arrested 20 people for falsifying certificates of study for foreigners

Victor Moreno

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Historical review: When I was studying to be professional kitchen, my mentor and Chef of the center of studies gastronomic (CEGA) Victor Moreno taught me the cause filled. In past Christmases, I had the opportunity to remember my student days when my son’s girlfriend Jefferson, Maria, invited us to a dinner to celebrate the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Cancino. They are Peruvian, so that day tasted the traditional cause stuffed chicken, typical dish of Peru. This week I offer the same recipe, but this time stuffed with tuna. The cause is one of the traditional dishes of Peruvian cuisine which comes from quechua Kausay, its flavor is pleasant and one of the most successful in the world, there are different ways to prepare it, being the main ingredient the yellow Pope. Ingredients: For the cause: 3 pounds of yellow potatoes 3 1/2 pounds yellow potatoes 1 onion, chopped 1 tbsp. chili minced juice of 4 lemons 2 tablespoons oil Salt and pepper to taste for the filling: 1 can 1 pound 1 tuna Cup mayonnaise 1 small onion, chopped 3 hard-boiled eggs cut into wheels 10 olives black quarter pound cheese cubed 1 avocado, cut into slabs chopped parsley for garnish procedure: in a bowl, put the lemon, finely chopped onion, chili pepper, salt and pepper; Let macerate.

Then Peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces, wash and put them into the fire in a pot with water and salt. This is a boil and cooked for 15 to 20 minutes or until tender potatoes and that they can be pierced with a fork. Drain very well, shred up to turn into puree. Incorporate the onion previously macerated with the dressing and mix until all ingredients are incorporated. Add little in a little oil while stir until ingredients are well linked. Then, in a bowl, combine crumbled tuna, finely sliced onion, mayonnaise; book.

Finally put in a source or a timpani, one-third of the puree. Disperse by all vessel mode of making a layer. Add half the tuna mixture; extend the second third of the puree to form the second layer and then put the remaining tuna; then the slices of avocado and cover with the remaining puree. Garnish with eggs and olives, putting at the Centre the cubes of cheese; Finally empolvore with the parsley and bring to the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Tips: You can substitute tuna for previously boiled and shredded chicken, or crab. Prepare the dish in a deep tray or individually using a round drum. Write to us at or contact us at our website: original author and source of the article.