Archive for October, 2023

Contact Center

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Before sharing my views with the intention of responding to this question, I went to Wikipedia to begin to get some definitions about this idea. I began to seek the meaning of motivation which is defined there as: the causes that move the person to perform certain actions and persist in them to their culmination. Different schools of Psychology have various theories about how motivation and its effect originates in the observable behavior. Motivation, in a nutshell, is the willingness to make an effort to achieve the goals of the Organization, conditioned by the ability of the effort to satisfy some personal need. And coaching is defined as: in the business environment and personal interactive and transparent process whereby the coach or coach and the person or group involved in that process, seek the most effective way to achieve the objectives set using its own resources and abilities. In my experience working with organizations recognize that you for a large number of leaders the motivation their equipment and their own, they have a very important value given its incidence in management that develop.

And that importance is multiplied when it comes to the motivation of people in the Organization, working in contact with customers. I don’t want to dwell on this occasion to talk about all the factors that have influence on the motivation of our people in the contact-center, but on the possibilities that are opened from individual and group interventions of coaching with focus on motivation. As coach understand that motivation is a result – that we can even measure. Result of what? A series of actions that mainly individuals and the Organization are carried out directly, and also all what people observed, say, say and think about what you can or cannot motivate their behavior. In my opinion the motivation is not something that happens or not happens, as most people tend to see as it is a consequence of the decisions we make in reference to it. .