Posts Tagged ‘climate & environment’

FridCorp FridCorp

Friday, May 29th, 2020

“It is important that companies are already starting should, to create in order to capture their CO2 emissions, reduction potentials to identify infrastructure and to be able to start initial measures” explains Dr.-ing. Thomas Fleissner, strategy of NADIA AG cost and effort for this discovery of carbon footprints to keep Executive Board, we have developed based our software-as-a-service solution FridCorp for more than 10 years of experience in ecological balancing. ” FridCorp is part of the software platform of Frida, which requires no locally installed software as a software-as-a-service solution to use, but can be controlled through the browser. For one or hundreds of locations the relevant energy consumption and emission factors collected, calculated in FridCorp, then reviewed by the NADIA as an independent Institute, and validated. Result is a company-wide carbon footprint Protocol or DIN according to the GHG ISO standards and the NADIA TopDown Approach has been determined. Reduction potential can be better cover up but also when repeated calculation of the carbon footprint CO2 environmental management optimize savings through the use of the software. In addition, the result of the carbon footprint is always accurate through experience in the acquisition. FridCorp can optionally be integrated into existing IT-systems, deeper business processes to integrate dasCO2 management.

The Frida family FridLog offers for logistics companies that want to capture especially their transport-related emissions. FridLog is also a SaS solution. Freight forwarders can per customer and or quickly and easily the CO2 emissions calculated order and print out a report validated by the NADIA for their customers. This is just with regard to the forthcoming DIN EN 16258 standard for the collection of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions a competitive dar. More information by phone under + 49 8192 99733 20 or via e-mail at sources interested parties,: -. Company document/7/0,3746,en_2649_34307_49934983_1_1_1_1,00.html – – /

Managing Director

Friday, August 2nd, 2019

Energy savings through new heating pump Samsom discovered through the use of zieNu base, that his central heating pump consumed a lot of power. Then he fitted a new pump, which will lead to a much lower power consumption and to significantly lower costs in the long term. “That is the brainchild of zieNu”, says Moritz Kooistra, Managing Director of the zieNu manufacturer oohIsee B.V.. give people a glimpse of their energy consumption, followed by the saving on the foot. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Dell on most websites. ” Samsom says: zieNu base is placed right next to the power meter, which of course causes not constantly having the consumption at a glance.

zieNu remote, however, can be applied everywhere because of powerful radio technology and providing a permanent overview of the electricity.” Samsom, prominent supporters of a resource-conserving, sustainable wrought society, is considered by the Dutch manufacturer as partner of choice in the dissemination of the concept of zieNu. An important Part of the power saving is knowing how much energy we are consuming at exactly this moment.” The energy monitor zieNu base reads the data of all commercially available analog and digital power meters using an optical sensor and indicates the power consumption in Watts in his display. Differently than many other devices to identify and represent the electricity consumption (electricity meters) zieNu base so that not only the consumption of a single receptacle or a multiple plug displays, but the current total consumption within a living or office space. Thus can be determined secret consumer, but also the actual energy samples examined by various electrical appliances. zieNu remote, the recently introduced new supplement product, powered by radio with the data of the Basic module of zieNu base and displays the current power consumption up to 100 meters away from the electricity meter. zieNu remote is among other things for consumers, whose meter is located in the basement or poorly visible place, but also for those who keep the consumption in the eye at any time and in any place.

Solar Systems

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Climate change – solar electricity by solar energy! The use of photovoltaics is based on long-term planning. Maucher Elektro with Solarworld specialist partner ensures that the installation of the photovoltaic system is carried out professionally. The determination of individual needs is just as much in the foreground as the exploration of public subsidies. The findings to the changes in the climate and the dangers of nuclear power plants return again and again to a point, to the use of renewable energy for power generation. Solar power here already therefore plays an important role, because modern photovoltaic systems not only efficiently. Please visit angel investor if you seek more information. It is also the inexhaustible energy of the Sun that makes it so attractive photovoltaics. Maucher Elektro long ago has focused on the production of solar systems, the advantages of solar energy are finally has long been known. Angel investor: the source for more info. The use of solar energy is based not on short-term thinking, but on long-term plans.

But is also the financial support of photovoltaic technology so interesting. A photovoltaic system is also an investment for the future because there are an amortization of acquisition costs in the medium term. Around Biberach, Ulm, bad Waldsee, bad Wurzach, Memmingen and Ravensburg, Ochsenhausen is the company of reliable point of contact for people who want to break new ground and take advantage of the power of the Sun. For some time, customers benefit from a cooperation, which offers even more possibilities in the use of solar power. Maucher Elektro is a renowned company Solarworld specialist partner. The expertise of both companies can be expanded the offerings and the service improved. The increasing number of satisfied customers Maucher Elektro is the best proof, how professionally the company works. Together with Solarworld is also steadily worked on optimizing the quality. And also the service after the installation of the photovoltaic system is of course the philosophy of the company. It aims to keep the eyes open and new technological components in the work to incorporate. Because one is Maucher Elektro definitely not eligible for: halt.

GE Energy Germany GmbH

Thursday, December 25th, 2014

DENEX linked specialized conference with trade exhibition on 9th July the Conference finds intelligent energy”instead, which deals with intelligent systems for the integration of renewable energy sources and distributed energy generation. The meeting is aimed at energy supply and service company, Stadtwerke, power companies, software, IT and electrical engineering company, facility management, architects and engineers. “The Conference intelligent energy”, which will be held on July 9th at the exhibition and Congress DENEX in Wiesbaden, sets itself apart with the topics of intelligent energy supply of the future: Smart grids, smart metering and smart buildings. Whether management of the network, new mobility concepts, interaction between consumers and utilities or intelligent building technology, the Conference broadly covers the complex range of topics. Furthermore, the fair special offers intelligent energy”a platform for this emerging and future-oriented market and presented in exhibition and Exhibitor Forum intelligente Concepts, companies and products. “At the start of the Conference Dr.

Uwe Braun goes from GE Energy Germany GmbH to the VDE study smart energy 2020: by the smart metering to the smart grid”, which analyses the potentials and problems of introduction of intelligent electricity meter and networks for the innovation location Germany and shows action of legal, technical and economic nature. Ralph Samulowitz lectured by Siemens AG the necessary IT – and communication infrastructures, which allow a targeted monitoring and controlling and networking utilities and consumers. Volker Lampmann from the regional project centre of electric mobility is Rhein-Main on the synergies between Smart power supply and E-mobility. These and other lectures give a comprehensive insight into the various key aspects of intelligent energy. The intelligent infrastructure of the future provides for decentralised energy producers better than so far in the supply network to include, energy efficiency the end user to increase and the proportion of renewable energies in accordance with to increase the climate protection goals by the Federal Government and the EU. When the end user installed smart meters should in the future about Smart grids with decentralized generation units can communicate to inexpensively remove electrical energy, as soon as it is generated. Energy storage, for example, devices for heating or cooling, battery and future electric cars, energy use can be made considerably more efficient than at the previous focus on the electrical load.