Posts Tagged ‘and Interior Design’

Doors: Types & Manufacturers

Friday, January 4th, 2019

There are five bases for the classification of the door: the style, materials used, method of opening, number of valves, the design canvas. Today you can buy interior doors made in any style: classical, modern, oriental, country, ethnic, high-tech, pop art, etc. The enumeration is endless. For doors used by a variety of materials: wood (array, veneer, plywood, etc.), metal – in sheets or profiles, wood-based panels (particleboard, fiberboard, MDF), glass, etc. The most common one design combines several kinds of materials. By way of opening doors are divided into folding, sliding and folding.

The first most common, but not always convenient, because they require space to open the canvas. Separate species hinged doors – swing. They open in any direction. On the number of leaflets distinguish one-, two-and mnogostvorchatye door., the classification of design canvases are two basic types of internal doors. It is framed and panel models. Manufacturers of doors in the Russian market, in addition to domestic, presented a lot of foreign, primarily European factories for the manufacture of doors. In the models from different countries have their own peculiarities. In Italy, produce doors in all styles and from almost all the available materials.

But the cost of their always high, as factories to engage the famous designers, invest in upgrading technology. Some Italian doors are made with hand labor. From Spain our country is usually driven by the door in the classic style – from solid wood and veneer (often precious breeds). These models are richly decorated and luxurious look, while their cost is not too high. From the Finnish and Swedish products by our buyers demand door mid-and economy classes. They are characterized by so beloved by many Scandinavian style – simple and functional. Domestic door can be any – as a very cheap and superexpensive. It all depends on what factory or workshop engaged in their manufacture.

Russian Stone

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

leopard fur! And there is also a collection of "monitor lizard", which resembles a reptile's skin – it also allows the designer "Play with meanings" in the process of creating an unusual interior. On the other hand, the ceramics are successfully mimics the glass and steel, essential for the organization of space in the style of hi-tech. "Great deceiver" can be called gres. Incidentally, the very title – quite a Russian invention which has no relation to the Italian term. But it is very accurately conveys the features of this durable material. Unlike traditional tiles, which is a ceramic crock, drenched glaze, porcelain "bake" in mass under high pressure at the output product, is indeed very similar to natural stone. A subsequent treatment strengthens the resemblance. "Porcelain tiles can be subjected to the satin, – says Paul Kavalkou, manager of new product Kerama Marazzi, – is a form of polishing, the so-called" technology burnished.

As a result, processing of special brushes with diamond villi effect occurs matte, slightly 'aged' surface, which allows you to use it in the existing historical or in the neo-classical interiors, simulate natural stone. " Qualitative simulation can successfully address technological and aesthetic issues. "Natural" materials – says designer Anna Golubeva – often heavy and moody in the installation and maintenance, or simply can not be used in certain places. It is obvious that a tree or a paper is unlikely to last a long time in the bathroom, whatever treatments they were not subjected. But, let's create an interior logic requires it to, then modern tile is a reasonable compromise.