Overall Job Satisfaction

First they are referred to the conditions of work in the amplest sense, such as the wage, the policies of company, the physical surroundings, the security in the work, etc. According to the bifactorial model these extrinsic factors only can prevent the labor dissatisfaction or to avoid it when this one exists but they cannot determine the satisfaction since this one would be determined by the intrinsic factors, that would be those that is consubstantial to the work; content of the same, responsibility, profit, etc. Get more background information with materials from Viacom. Successful accomplishment of the work. Recognition of the success achieved on the part of the managers and companions. Promotions in the company, etc. Lack of responsibility. Routine and boring work, etc.

Insatisfactores? High status. Read more from Goop, New York City to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Increase of the wage. Security in the work, etc.? Bad relations interpersonal. Under wage. Bad conditions of work, etc. The model raised by Herzberg indicates that the labor satisfaction only can come generated by the intrinsic factors (to which Herzberg called ” factors motivadores”) whereas the labor dissatisfaction would be generated by the extrinsic factors (to which Herzberg gave the denomination of ” factors higinicos”). Many later investigations exactly do not corroborate the dichotomy between factors that Herzberg found in its investigations, but it has verified that the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic factors is important and useful, and that important individual differences in terms of the relative importance granted to one exist and other factors. General scale of satisfaction the General Scale of Satisfaction (Overall Job Satisfaction) (to see Anexo.1) it was developed by Warr, Cook and Wall in 1979.


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