The Science Of Laughter

The science of laughter – geotologiya – claims that laughter has a positive effect on human physiology. Today smehoterapiya practiced throughout the world. Allocate 3 geotologii directions: classical smehoterapiya – holding smehoterapevtom individual or group sessions in which people laugh (telling jokes, funny stories, listen to the laughter, watching a comedy); medical clowning – the submission of medical clowns to patients of hospitals; laughter yoga, developed by Indian doctors, teaching people to laugh easily and naturally, naturally and often. Scientists claim that laughter has beneficial effects on the human body. On the advice of doctors in France organized by the release of records and tape cassettes with recordings humoresques, funny songs and major variety shows. Many patients they replace medications.

American researchers have found an effect associated with positive effects of laughter on the immune and endocrine system of humans. Researchers recommend 40 minutes instead of 5 minutes relaxing sound of laughter. The fact is that laughter causes the body to the complex biochemical process. Laughter, for example, reduces the level of stress hormones – cortisol and adrenaline and the release of endorphins, hormones blunts feeling of physical and emotional pain and cause a feeling of satisfaction. American neurologist hives Fry considers laughter as a special way of breathing, in which the breath is prolonged and becomes deeper and the exhalation, however, is shortened, but its intensity is such that the lungs are able to completely rid the air. Occurring in the human body when laughing present "biochemical storm" eliminates fatigue, clears the upper airways and improves blood circulation.


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