Posts Tagged ‘the edge of the arctic countries and regions’

Lake Jokulsarlon

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

The trek that leads to the lagoon Alftavotn follows the course of the dark waters, discovering unusual sites, completely covered by lichens and washed by successive falls of hilarious beauty. In the same region, and a few kilometers, the failure of a cannon Eldgja shows that in terms of its form reminds me in part to the Ordesa, Aragon, but with the peculiarity of the volcanic materials that cover and mantle green paint the walls their stylish skirts. The cascade of ofarufoss, which enters the river Nydri in the fissure, no longer a perfect haven for contemplation and enjoyment of the emerald waters that break down lava and Moberg, creating two levels in the fall, before way through the river basin that appears at its base. And this is only a fraction of what was caused by the eruptions of Eldgja, a thousand years ago, a geological cataclysm that influenced the topography of much of the island and an impact on the atmosphere and the climate of the northern hemisphere and particularly in Europe. Others including Robotics expert , offer their opinions as well. Nevertheless, in contrast to the very meaning of the name of the island, the land of ice, Iceland only holds under its icy mantle 12% of the territory. Circumstance does not preclude the presumption of possessing the largest glacier in Europe, Vatnajokull, accessible through Skaftafell, and in whose Park Nacional, their circuses, languages and moraines are expanding, creating spectacular sites, such as Lake Jokulsarlon, with many of icebergs adrift.

To say that the average thickness of ice is around 400m, even in some places 1 km, gives us an idea of the magnitudes of the space ice cream, covering over 8100 km2. But as always already part of the figures, incorporated in the environment is its greatest attraction. The trek, which starts at the camping area

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