Posts Tagged ‘stock exchange & stock markets’

Stock Exchange Glossary Current Assets

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Temporary capital of the companies the Exchange Portal informs in his stock market dictionary the user of the page about different terms from the world of finance. So what investors see as liquid assets and the balance sheet items include explains among other things. The balance sheet is a subdivision in an active and a passive side. The former sort assets of a company in the order of their time in descending order. Within those assets is again differentiated between fixed and circulating assets. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Zendesk.

The latter can be defined according to stock exchange glossary by as assets, which remains only temporarily in the company. Supplies and inventories, securities, bank deposits at the Bundesbank or credit institutions, as well as claims arising from deliveries and services are lingering in the short term capital. The stock of marketable assets items changed by permanent arrivals and departures. An example of this are the stocks in the Production. This constantly changing their inventory, they are processed or newly bought. According to HGB, an asset can be associated both the investment and the assets depending on the intended use.

So, a machine produced by a company that is intended for sale, will be considered assets. Their production is however for the own business, it is considered assets, because it remains permanently in the operation. Summarized the current assets is so its purpose determined by. Based on paragraph 247 of the HGB, management meets deciding what kind of asset is associated with an asset. More information: ../begriff/umlaufvermoegen /… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

The Sandra Schinnerling

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

The next not awarded the Akura Group 2007, as the European consumer advice EBCON only a high quality, attested to a clear recognition of the benefits of the currently approximately 600 independent Akura distributor the enjoyment right product, but especially the Akura consulting practice. 2009 the Akura group dared the next step: the creation of Akura III capital management GmbH and the Akura IV capital management GmbH. With the two new investment products target volume EUR 50 million the team of the Akura meets in particular the desire of investors for a comfortable liquidity. The two new asset plans are characterised as their predecessors by a sachwertlich safe investment philosophy and attractive yields, but at the same time flexible withdrawal options. The conclusion is so extremely positive after ten years history of the company for the Akura management for growing sales partner team, especially of course for the investors who take advantage of the high-yielding asset plans for their private wealth accumulation or retirement. About the Akura Group operates Akura capital management company since 2000 (Akura II capital management AG since 2004, Akura III and IV since 2010) in the areas of business shares investment funds, investments, securities, real estate and alternative investments.

In their investment decisions, the Manager of Akura follow a strict diversification strategy group. A part of the deposits is invested in short-term money market deposits, time deposits and securities, to secure the liquidity of the companies. The products of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management are considered basic dividend with 6.25 per cent highly profitable. For the quality of the customer service, the Akura was awarded 2009 group of companies with the quality seal of the European consumer consulting (EBCON). The Sandra Schinnerling conducts business of the Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG.

If you have questions relating to investor Dieter Hans farmer is answer. The companies of the Akura group is Wurzburg. Contact: Akura capital management AG Dieter Hofbauer-Max-born-str. 19 97080 Wurzburg telephone: 0931 / 404 18 11 fax: 0931 / 404 43 84 E-Mail: Internet: