Posts Tagged ‘society & social issues’

Wuppertal Arguments

Friday, June 7th, 2024

Bernhard Simon: ‘Decision for conversion Doppersberg is now irreversible’ finally can it go ahead with the Doppersberg. The conversion of the door to our city is now irreversible. Minister-President Jurgen Ruttgers, Transport Minister Lutz Lienenkamper and Peter Jung thus set a strong signal for the future and viability of Wuppertal. The country has kept their word.” With these words, Wuppertaler CDU Bundestag Group Chairman Bernhard Simon commented on the ministerial decision for the Doppersberg which envisages a State support amounting to EUR 65 million for the project. Our most important urban development project that faces the realization. The conversion of the Doppersbergs is one of the central points of the guidelines to the urban development of Mayor Peter Jung (CDU), which has always strongly supported the CDU parliamentary group in the Council of the city of Wuppertal. The good wire of Wuppertaler has paid up policy to the present city construction Minister, Lutz Lienenkamper and his predecessor, Oliver Wittke hereby. Click Dave Clark Amazon to learn more. Now We look forward to the common project start with Prime Minister Ruttgers on June 30 this year.”.

Study: Intact Circle Helps

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Social environment important for motivation for the job search Bonn/Dusseldorf, October 20, 2010 – unemployment, whose Freunde have a job faster find new employment. A recent study of the Bonn Institute for the study of Labor (IZA) can empirically prove this connection. Therefore the probability of re-employment increases with each non-unemployed friend to an average 3.7 percentage points. For more specific information, check out Energy Capital Partners London. On the basis of an annual British household survey analyzed the IZA scientist of Konstantinos Foundation and his Milan colleagues Lorenzo Cappellari the influence of the circle on the success in the job search. The used record also contains information about their three best friends in addition to information on the employment situation of the respondents. Over 3000 tested not workers, including job seekers and inactive, every fifth took a new job in the cut within one year. The three best friends were also unemployed, the success rate, according to the study amounted to below ten per cent. All three went one Employment, increased the chance to almost 30 percent.

Taking into account any other factors yielded an average increase in the job finding rate”by 3.7 percentage points for each additional friend with workplace. Who has an intact work and friend environment and relevant social contacts, which goes of course also some way motivated on the job search approach. On the one hand, the immediate surroundings of trying to help with information on job vacancies. On the other hand is”certainly a certain pressure to intensify its own efforts to land not in a private setting on the siding, commented Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. Count a growing number of unemployed, however, in a private setting soft motivation and am often in resignation, so the staff expert. Also the lack of joint activities could in addition according to IZA scientists motivate. Then we would expect that people would be more willing to accept even a temporary or low-paid activities”, explains Foundation. “But in fact earned wages were higher and the working conditions stable the more friends also went to a job.” Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Open Meiningsaustausch about development cooperation since early 2009 Dr. Dipu Moni directs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh became the first woman. During her four-day visit to Germany, she met with Dirk Saam by the German development organization network. The Bangladesh expert and the Aussenpolitikerin discussed human rights and the poverty situation in the country. She stressed that her Cabinet had the claim of a very transparent governance. With parliamentary elections in December 2008, Bangladesh had returned to democracy. Their country, Dipu Moni, is on a right track, to strengthen the rule of law and ensuring the respect for human rights in accordance with signed UN conventions.

Dirk Saam reported the Foreign Minister from the work of the welfare network for overcoming hunger in the North of the country and for the observance of human rights in the villages. Interlocutors emphasized the need to continue to promote the political participation of the population. Two is it a Concerns, the image of Bangladesh in the German public, which is characterized by natural disasters and Fahrunglucken, to expand other facets. As an example, Dirk Saam called the great successes of the country for the schooling of children. Dr.

Dipu Moni”, contains his impression from the meeting with the Secretary of State, is critically deals with the shortcomings of their country Dirk Saam, and rightly emphasizes what successes the young democracy has.” Previously, the Secretary of State about the intensification of german Bangladeshi development cooperation with Bundesentwickungsminister niebel had spoken. It was to the areas of energy, health and good governance. The international climate protection, as well as the expansion of cultural and economic relations between the two countries were at the center of their meeting with Foreign Minister Westerwelle. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries around the world, about 40 percent of the 160 million population live below the national poverty line. The Bangladesh organisation network supports the self-help of the poorest population for food, education, and the observance of human rights