Sigmund Freud

In its solitary search, Sinclair recognizes its difficulty to deliver itself to the philosophical questionings not tied with the utilitarismo: ‘ ‘ my nature never if adaptara to this classroom of direct and conscientious inquiry, where people, the principle, only look truths with which nothing we know that fazer’ ‘ (P. 93). Although this, kept the certainty of that ‘ ‘ for the conscientious man it only had a duty: to look itself exactly to it, to affirm themselves in itself exactly and to follow always ahead its proper way, without if worrying about the end the one that can conduziz it All secondary age. The true craft of each one age to only arrive until itself mesmo’ ‘ (P.

124/125). This certainty and the recognition of the progressos reached in the search for the self-knowledge, the confidence in the proper dreams, ideas and intuitions, if transforms into a balsam distresses for them of Sinclair, strengthened for the interpretation of Eva: ‘ ‘ the look comes back stops backwards and asks itself exactly if the way was in fact so laborious. Difficult only? He will not have been beautiful also? Can imagine another one so beautiful so easy e? ‘ ‘ (P. 140). Misticismo Demian shows to the Sinclair a more rational and less dogmtica form to interpret the religious questions, integrating the opposing forces of maniquesmo that as much disturbed it ‘ ‘ we must not only adore and santificar the entire world in its total fullness and in its official half, artificially dissociada Or same to create a god who also integrated in itself the demon and ahead of which we did not have that to close the eyes not to see the things most natural of mundo’ ‘ (P. 60/61). With clear reference to the concepts of the Gnosticismo, in particular to the demiurge (entity that, without being creative, is impelling of the universe, printing to it movement) Abraxas also discloses the influence of the psychoanalysis of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, in the search of the essence of I: ‘ ‘ The bird leaves the egg.


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