Several are the factors that contribute for the development, as the type of clothes or footwear, the ambient degree of personal hygiene and factors as heat and humidity. The transmission mechanisms completely are not known. Data epidemiologists suggest that the transmission can also be made by the contact of the individual with contaminated environments, as pisos of bathrooms, edges of swimming pools, etc., or by means of personal objects, as combs, brushs, razors, towels where fungo would be in latent state. Research has demonstrated to dermatfitos in individuals and animals without apparent clinical injury. The man and the animals can, therefore, to be carrying assintomticos. Onicomicoses Dermatofticas or Had unguium Also called Had of the nails, it is frequent in adults, aged, imunocomprometidos, diabetic and mainly in esportistas. In the current days, the fngico comprometimento of the nails consists in serious problem in reason of its raised frequency and its disgnostic difficulty, as much for the physicians as for the micologistas, adding itself it this problem a behavior and inadequate therapeutical pursuing on the part of the patient.
This fact can well be exemplificado when recklessness of the patients is observed front to this type of injury, mainly when the nails attacks are of the feet. The fngicas infections of the nails can clinically be caused by dermatofticos fungos and leavenings, differentiating themselves for the comprometimento of the nails. When it involves the dermatfitos, is characterized for an initial comprometimento of the distal portion of the nail. Already the leavenings cause an initial comprometimento of the proximal portion being able or not to be associated to an injury properly said of the nails. The fungos are developed easily in this habitat, feeding themselves of queratina (responsible substance for the rigidity of the nails). Onicomicoses, beyond incmodas and of ackward aspect, can become very painful. The nail of the great finger of the foot is, habitually, the first one to be affected.
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