
All we know that the efficient spreading of a business, either it virtual physicist or, is the great tool of leverage of the profits. Any that is the product or offered service necessary to be ' ' notado' ' for the customers and potentials customers also. Based in these basic principles of marketing he is that he comes to tona a great problem: ' ' where to divulge? ' ' , ' ' how to divulge? ' '. The Internet if has detached currently as the great generating of shares to the entrepreneurs or same to who it only divulges a program of affiliated or to marketing multilevel, a personal site or blog. Already it exceeded the televising media and already the great digital revolution of century XXI in the area of the businesses is considered. The existing options of spreading are many, are gratuitous or paid they.

All logically they have its index of return. In classified gratis the trend it is the medium return in the long run. In the paid spreading, as for example, in links sponsored (google, yahoo, uol, etc), it is possible to direct its announcement accurately to its public-target and to calculate the campaign in accordance with its financial possibilities. Generally, in this modality of spreading, the return costuma to be short-term. Therefore, it divulges its businesses in the Internet and alavanque its sales.


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