General Director Building

In addition, if the building requires renovation, all actions associated with it, the entrepreneur will need to coordinate with the regional government protection of monuments. And this is only the beginning! The facade of the monument of architecture – a work of art that you want keep intact. And it is this feature is the first obstacle to its transformation into a store. Even the ordinary sign can not be hanged without a special permit from state authorities. To obtaining necessary using Photoshop or drawings to illustrate how the facade will look with new elements. And only after those changes will approve architectural and planning control, can accommodate sign.

"The set of constraints concerns the establishment of shop windows, night illumination of the facade. Therefore difficult to sustain such a design shop in the same corporate style and it does not disrupt the historic architectural ensemble. However, this condition is mainly with the concurrence of the project in the state bodies responsible for the protection of monuments ", – says Alexey Nikitin, General Director of Quasar-2000 (an integrated approach to solving problems of the construction, repair and design). The expert notices that the agreement could prevent the usual attributes of a modern building: air conditioning, new windows and doors. So we have to try to fill out the "under vintage-art products. "Today there are many solutions that can help you replace the window construction in a historic building without altering its appearance, – says Rafik Alekperov Head of Customer Group propleks (one of the founders of the Russian market of pvc profiles).


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