What’s Your Name Again?

Who, for example, asks “Who is Environment Minister in Saarland?” the correct answer receives in the data cloud. Kreuzlingen/Switzerland, 08 September 2009. Anyone looking for something on the Internet, want to have often just a quick response to a very specific question. For such cases is the Web search Hulbee the ideal focal point. On many issues of natural language is entered into the search field on, Hulbee directly calls the correct answer. This is ensured by the data cloud of Hulbee, a cloud of words that thematically match the search query. Ali Partovi often addresses the matter in his writings.

“A classic example: who invented the letterpress?” Entering this as a question on Hulbee the searched name appears next to other terms in the data cloud already: Johannes Gutenberg. Who still don’t fully trust the term cloud, you can check the answer based on the usual list of search results on the Web. But of course this way Hulbee provides not only historical knowledge. Who, for example, asks who is Environment Minister in Saarland?”she receives in the data cloud yet correct answer: Stefan Morsdorf. The data cloud also correctly answered typical quiz or crossword puzzle questions about exotic countries capital cities or mythical names of animals. Of course, this works best with questions from the field of General knowledge that there is enough information on the Internet because based on which the Hulbee data cloud.

“For Andreas Wiebe, Managing Director of Hulbee AG shows it but where to go the trip with Hulbee: it was from the outset our goal, to make the access to knowledge and information in the Internet and to facilitate”, says Andreas Wiebe, Managing Director of Hulbee AG. Potential, which already has Hulbee as answer machine, we looking to expand further in the future. The data cloud learns more or less by she will be fed with more and more content from the Internet. So it is can answer directly in the future ever more specific questions.” About Hulbee AG the Hulbee AG is a publicly traded, European Software company headquartered in Kreuzlingen/Switzerland. Currently 59 employees can have up to 25 years long experience in the development of neural software. The Hulbee AG is successful for years with their information and knowledge analysis in the business such as in the end user-software market. “The Hulbee AG has developed the Hubble program for knowledge management in companies with the aim of the global Know-How Access”, so direct access to any knowledge existing in the company. With the Web application Hulbee Hulbee AG has made a new kind of Internet search market.


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