United Nations

Happiness and the Rainbow never look at home, only at House of others.Proverb Governments, specifically those that are in transition towards a better development, should seriously worry about the repercussions manifesting in the present food crisis world, how this affects millions of people with scarce resources, low income to buy their basic products, thus the way as grown, agriculture is planned, also coupled with the industries identified with this bouquet of how they perform their production processesgiving passage to the final products that are offered. It is known, as indicated by example.com., which some critics have argued that this food crisis is due to the unprecedented growth of the world population, others, however, mentioned that the growth rate, in fact, has fallen drastically since 1980, and that availability of cereals has continued to grow faster than the population. The per capita food production has grown since the 1960s, and this trend has not changed dramatically with the harvests of 2006-2007. The analysis of April 2008 of the United Nations food and agriculture maintained that while the increase in the consumption of cereals has risen one percent since 2006, most of this increase has gone to developed countries. Where has increased their use for human consumption has been largely on (processed) foods with added value, which are sold in developed countries and in developing .. Growth total utilization of cereals from 2006 (a rise of 3%, higher than the 2% of annual average for the period 2000-2006) has been greater in the non-food use, especially in feed and biofuels. To produce one kilogram of beef requires using seven kilograms of cereals as animal feed. These reports, therefore, conclude that it is the industrial use, animal feed and foods that incorporate an important processing, and not population increase among poor consumers of cereals in raw or minimally processed, which has contributed to the price increases.

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