Twitter Hashtag

komm.passion is now fit for social media companies. Dusseldorf, October 07, 2009 komm.passion is now fit for social media companies. In the context of a Twitter-based pitch, interested companies can action is now for a free initial analysis and apply a customized social media marketing concept. Social media has become an everyday companion on the Web and offers new ways of communication for brands and companies. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Anchin. Consumers and customers are brand fans, talking about publications, announcements or news. Dialogue takes place at eye level. So are long-term credibility, trust and a long-term partnership customer loyalty. In the context of the GPRA meeting social media future of communication or toys for Web geeks? The truth about Twitter, blogs, and social networks”encourages companies komm.passion, to make social media.

Companies for the development of a free social media idea can apply under come on To do this need to insert #KPpitch001 only the Twitter Hashtag. From all participants, a company is selected each week, which receives a free initial assessment and an individual social media marketing concept. There is all the information about the action under and coming passion komm.passion interactive Boris spyker line RT 42 10119 Berlin Tel: 030 814 52 51 30


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