
Some people believe that this man – the third for the wedding after the bride and groom, it was he who starts and completes the wedding, and it depends on him, whether it be a memorable feast for the newlyweds and guests. You probably have guessed that this person – the toastmaster, leading to the wedding. In this article we will talk about the history of the emergence of toastmaster at a wedding. Careful weddings and celebrations on the highest level was very important and troublesome process still in Kievan Rus. Wedding in Russia was difficult staging, a kind of convoluted drama, which, of course, was necessary explanatory director toastmaster.

Then, a few centuries ago, the person, which we refer to as today master of ceremonies, called ‘friend’. The duties of cronies, in addition to generally accepted now, entertain guests and contests at the wedding included some ritual duties (such as, reading the spell of evil spirits), so best man often chose local magicians. The very same word ‘toaster’ come as easy to guess, from Georgia, where high-quality, affordable wedding quoted as art in the early second millennium BC. The role of the first in the history of Toastmasters and was not without mystical overtones – walking on a wedding banquet and toast until now (with Georgia, this term is translated as ‘vital’) at the time were a kind of prayer – of health and welfare of relatives of the dead, for wealth and prosperity, and so on. Toastmasters prepared in Georgia since early childhood, so he grew up, leading to a professional wedding is easy to understand all the subtleties this celebration and was able to catch the mood and the ‘wave’ of any wedding reception or a holiday. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Samsung on most websites. Cult Toastmasters slowly moved from Georgia to nearby states and have successfully mastered there, overgrown with local specifications. So, for example, Ukraine’s leading wedding focuses not on the wordy toast, and competitions designed to test the readiness of the newlyweds to the realities of family life. In the modern world, capable of a toastmaster is able to to combine the legacy of past epochs, competently in choosing the wedding party introductory, intermediate and final words, and modern features of the organizer of the holiday, a task which usually includes drawing a bright scenario for a wedding.

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