
Example: my x = 19. 50my. y = 24. 50my. For even more analysis, hear from Pete Cashmore. green = small 120Estas script statements indicate that the pointer (i.e. the object) my, will be positioned on the X axis in the coordinate 19.50 and onto the shaft and 24.50, the last statement is to make a healthy green color of intensity with value 120. If we did not have the help of the 3d engine first we would have to set the object, this would be done with a struct or class depending on our programming language then set classes to move the object, for this we must have a multiplication of vectors in the form of matrix XYZ, that for each X value and y Z. Now the color, depending on our library (Opengl or Directx), would have the class that changes the color of the object, passing as the same object parameter and returning the same object as a result.

After you do this call the loop that redibujaria us the scene. as we can see three simple instructions on script become more 20 programming directly in bookstores, also do us need interaction, sound, etc another great help of 3d engines is the inclusion of editors and most recently editor in real time, these allow us position objects, create terrain, vegetation, even sound and lights and view real-time (as is happening action) modifies our game or application this might be called le mode God. . There are free 3D engines for non-commercial use. Free engines for commercial use. Commercial 3d engines, which unfortunately are the more quick to develop. As you will have to imagine, a graphics engine is one that uses simple graphics (no 3D, no text-based), such as the Nintendo Wii, which can not show the actual 3d. What it does is simulate 3D effects through the Organization of 2D graphics, in the same way that a captured cube in a plane appears to be in 3D. This has been a brief overview what are Motors Juga 3D game online!

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