Kidney Function, Diet, Insulin
Many people recover eg, kidney function even before they had even been pregnant despite having submitted the same deterioration in pregnancy. For all these reasons, the decision to terminate a pregnancy or not must be carried out by the couple after a complete medical and impartial advice. To further complicate the desicion, but for the good of the patients who desire pregnancy and decide to live it despite the risks, there are many actions and recommendations that can and should continue to succeed in pregnancy, and described in the following paragraph of treatment. Treatment: Before entering fully the issue of insulin, it is necessary first to emphasize the importance of self-monitoring, which as we know, home is the determination of blood glucose by puncture of the fingers and reading of the sample with an electronic device called meter. Why the Self-serving? It allows us to make adjustments in your meal plan or the dose of insulin levels to know glucose before and after food. We can prevent or detect hypoglycemia. It helps to regulate the intensity and duration of our activities and exercise sessions to avoid the risk of hypo-or hyperglycemia during the same.
It helps us to achieve strict glycemic control is needed to prevent progression of chronic complications and injuries to the baby. How often should be done? This very well documented in medical literature that intensive insulin therapy slows the progression of chronic complications either by Muliple doses of insulin or continuous infusion of the same with a subcutaneous pump. In either case you need to know the blood glucose levels frequently in the day to make adjustments in insulin dose and avoid hypoglycaemia. As recommended intensive self-monitoring is at least six shots of glucose-dating. Fasting before, two hours after each meal and at 3:00 am.
Diet plan and schemes of insulin: The cornerstone of treatment is the meal plan. The diet is calculated individually in order to avoid hyperglycemia and ensure the normal development of the baby. During pregnancy be recommended fasts of more than six hours between food and eating extra food after dinner (snack) between 23-24 hrs a day to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia. The conventional treatment with insulin Intermedia is the subcutaneous injection of two doses daily before breakfast and dinner respectively. In our hospital Intermediate + rapid insulin before breakfast and dinner. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the patient and the degree of uncontrolled blood sugar. The intensive schedule involves the administration of one or two doses of intermediate insulin a day (breakfast and / or dinner) plus the application of fixed doses of regular insulin before each meal. Another treatment option is intensive and continuous subcutaneous administration throughout the day by an infusion pump. These devices allow automatic administration of a fixed dose of insulin every hour and allows you to schedule an ing dose of food that are released at the push of a button. Such pumps allow greater flexibility in managing insulin, multiple injections are avoided, since the subcutaneous plastic ceteter changes every week and improve the quality of life of patients. However, the device has an average cost of $ 5,000 and an expenditure of consumables (subcutaneous patches, catheters etc) of 1500 per year which does not make them accessible to all patients, if you need more information on Diabetes and pregnancy visit our blog; Pregnancy complicated with diabetes at the following address: Wrote: Dr. Benjamin Figueroa Oliva .. Gain insight and clarity with Sandra Akmansoy. Endocrinologist. Gynaecology and Obstetrics Hospital No. 4 IMSS Mexico City World GDI. You can be a successful entrepreneur inform yourself online at: email:
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