Internet User Behavior

Most important reasons for a home page do not have many small and medium-sized enterprises always an own homepage, or not effectively used the existing homepage. So, potential customers are lost. Rich communications specializes in the design of websites for small and medium-sized enterprises and also cares for an effective search engine optimization. Although more than 90% of small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria have an Internet connection, only half has an own homepage. But small businesses could take advantage of an own homepage for themselves, to differentiate themselves from other competitors. The Internet represents an important communication platform for all markets and all sectors.

Any company can represent his achievements, his ideal by texts, images, as well as new media items, products like podcasts, live streams or streams on demand. A perfectly designed website shows a company that it is innovative and new technologies used. A new clientele can be achieved, information can be exchanged quickly and effectively. Companies are always present through the Internet for their customers. Potential new customers can be obtained using the optimal design of a website and marketing in all the major search engines. The presence of online companies achieve a far greater attention than with commercial and often very expensive advertising (such as flyers, newspaper articles, PR article). Current statistics of Statistics Austria pinpoint human Internet behavior (source Statistics Austria European survey on ICT usage in households 2008 created on 06 27th, 2008): total, 87.8% of Internet users use Internet to search for information 88.9% use the Internet to communicate, 54.7% use the Internet to find contact with offices and authorities, and to learn about their services. We look at the different ages, another trend is reflected so: 91% of people between 25-34 years 35-44, 45-54, and especially 55-64 use the Internet for information search, but the ages and 65-74 years catch up immensely.

At least 88% (79.8%) of relatively financially strong age group of 55 – 64 (65 – 74) use the Internet to search for the information. Following information will be obtained on the Internet: service providers and their products, locations of the company and their services, product information, corporate presentations. Internet users in particular one is important: the timeliness and speed of information, interaction and offering expert information, searches in databases. 80% of Internet users can and no longer do without the Internet. These data and values show that small and medium-sized companies through an optimal Internet presence can score huge. Who as a company not in the Internet is represented, or on the rear sides located at search engines, does not exist on the Internet and is therefore of potential customers not found. Source: Bobby Sharma Bluestone.


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