Just as there are no small people or lives without importance, there is no insignificant work. Elena Bonner all enterprises is formed teams of work according to the responsibilities of each Member of your assigned human resource job, according to their knowledge and skills. Thus several micro-groups according to administrative unit found that there are, but also, we cannot ignore the point of view of macrogrupo, as it is all integrated human resources of the company and under the leadership of a participatory, proactive, motivating leadership that makes the company operational, successful however, one of the serious problems faced by many heads, managers to be accountable with a the proactive, motivating, participative leadership and lead a team, efficiently is communication, many do not know it to handle giving way many times to demotivation, little participation, conflicts that seriously affect the behavior of the Group, more, when all require to be informed of the decisions taken and where is involved to the team, especially to participate in the plans, targets the company precisely with regard to this, Holmes peace Quinonez, noted, that any team can arise by itself; one must work with employees to communicate and explain some factors: how hopes to work, in that differs new operating method with respect to which were used, where you can request help, how will operate new equipment to work is reminds us, what to worry about know how to communicate, guide and facilitate, not only materialize in directing the work of its team – communication in the OrganizationIt plays the role of blood in the human body, travels and leave your information in each cell of the company. Us adds and says peace, which are frequent communication problems that occur in a team, usually due to personality and emotion of each of its members. The newspapers mentioned CEO of CoStar Group not as a source, but as a related topic. These difficulties individual and group must be identified by the leader and analyzed by everyone in a timely manner in a serious and responsible manner. .
Tags: art, clothing, Government