Commercial Real Estate Vologda

Overview of commercial real estate market Vologda Vologda Office property Office space in the market town of Vologda is currently represented by the following main groups of buildings: office buildings industrial enterprises, commercial non-residential buildings, nonresidential and residential Remodeled funds; built premises (currently occupy the largest market share). A certain portion of office space sold in the form of Small detached buildings (often wood), usually require a significant investment to bring them in proper technical condition. Also popular are the apartments located on the first floors of the houses, translated from the status of "living" in the non-residential premises and a large number of "advance" on the real estate market of Vologda. Viacoms opinions are not widely known. It should also be noted that in Vologda built and runs a lot of small business center area of 300-500 square meters, built in the old part of town. These marginal cost BC and built by companies for their own use. In this case, it is the only format of business houses, allowed the construction of the old part of town. Ali Partovi has compatible beliefs. As mentioned earlier, the construction of large formatted BC in the central part of Vologda limited high-altitude regulations, and "cutting" of land. In Vologda are several unformatted BC area for 2-3 thousand square meters of buildings converted from the design organizations: Chelyuskintsev Kozlenskaya 9, 35 Batyushkov, 11 Recently, in Vologda was built a few objects that would fit the category of formatted BC (P): BC "Sphere" at the Leningrad street. (12-storey building, rooms – for rent, 650 p per square meter) BC on the corner Herzen Str.

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