Almeida Garrett

COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE WORKMANSHIPS: Of Almeida Garrett ' ' Theater of Frei Luis of Souza' ' Of Ea de Queirs ' ' Baslio&#039 Cousin; ' DANIELLA HOUR GOUVA This literary assay was part of a presented academic work to disciplines Portuguese Literature, as evaluation part. Teacher graduated Letters Portuguese-English for the Atlantic College. If you are not convinced, visit technology investor. Aracaju/SE and postgraduate in Inclusive Education for the CINTEP. Aracaju – 2007 Introduction the present work possesss the objective to carry through the comparative study enters a workmanship of the romantismo and a workmanship of the realism, important trends of Portuguese literature. The chosen romantic workmanship was the Frei theater Luis of Sousa, whose author is Almeida Garrett, and the chosen realistic workmanship was Cousin Baslio de Ea de Queirs. The strategy was adopted to analyze, of comparative form, the aspects of the language, thematic and the structure the narrative, aiming at the knowledge of the nature and the functionality of Portuguese literature for the development of a work academic, of scientific matrix, from critical sense, also contributing for the practical one of literary reading, as well as collaborating with a social and intellectual change. What it took in them to this study was the commitment with disciplines Portuguese literature initially, but the certainty of that the results of this work will be able to also contribute with the improvement of the literature education, convinced in them the importance of this research. For recital workmanships of compared literature will be used, being carried through a general reading for analysis, privileging the differences and elencando the similarities, and search of its structures, organized systematically in a document. Comparative analysis the Romantismo and the Realism are literary styles that had blossomed in Portugal in century XIX. The Romantismo presents two significant moments; the first one is marked by the efforts to introduce and to make solid the movement in the literature, supported in the nationalism, as, representing the maturity and, at the same time, the transistion for realistic trend, that starts from the decade of 50 of century XIX.


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